Sedation Dentistry: A Game-Changer for Calgary Patients

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sedation dentistry a game-changer for calgary patients

Among Calgary residents, sedation dentistry has gained a lot of attention. An innovative approach for Calgary residents who want a comfortable experience during their dental treatment. It will surely help you understand what to expect when your dentist decides to include this innovative approach in your treatment. 

What is Sedation Dentistry?

To help patients deal with dental phobias, sedation dentistry is often used . It’s for people who are seeking a  relaxed experience during their dental procedures.

Particularly the approach helps patients to counter dental anxiety and those with low pain tolerance. On rare occasions, it is also used during extensive treatments but the sedation level varies depending on the required scenarios or needs. Before deciding the sedation level, your body’s immunity and general regulations are carefully assessed.

Different Types of Sedation?

Let’s learn about the different types of sedation, their safety and effectiveness.

  • General Anesthesia: For extensive dental treatment general anesthesia is usually preferred. Here the patient is completely unconscious. The deepest form of anesthesia and requires a particular recovery procedure.
  • Oral Sedation: Taken in the form of a pill it affects the memory of the patient. While people have limited memory, the patient remains drowsed awake but feels drowsy and calm.
  • Nitrous Oxide: A mild form of sedation taken for inducing a relaxation state. It is inhaled through a mask. A patient can conveniently drive themselves home as it quickly wears off.
  • IV Sedation: For complex dental procedures IV sedatives are used as it is directly induced into the bloodstream. Patients have little to no memory of the procedure and require proper rest for recovery to wear it off.

A Quick Note: There are two things to keep in mind whenever you opt for sedation dentistry.

  1. Dentist’s Consultation: Help your dentist understand your dental problems and let them decide which type you should select. This is to prioritize your safety.
  2. Side Effects: There are rare cases where sedation has side effects. Consult with a dentist near you who can easily access your medical history. Your medical condition will decide the type and level of sedation being used.

Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

Some of the benefits that recipients of this type of the care include:

  • Reduced Fear and Anxiety: Whether it’s through laughing gas, IV or general anesthesia, sedation makes sure patients feel relaxed during their complex dental procedure. It gives confidence to people who visit the dentist and seek necessary treatment that they avoid due to discomfort.
  • Comprehensive Treatment: Multiple complex procedures and long-duration treatments can be concluded in a single visit due to sedation.
  • Better Outcome & Positive Dental Experience: Due to sedation there is a chance you will develop confidence in receiving dental care. It will encourage you to go for regular checkups and address problems that can create complexity later in your life.

Visit Inglewood Family Dental for Stress-Free Care

Getting sedation dentistry near you addresses the root cause of dental anxiety. visit Inglewood Family Dental, today for effective care. Our reliable staff will make sure you feel calm and enjoy the convenience of our comprehensive dental care to the fullest. We aim to make a difference in your life by enabling you to improve your oral health.

About Author

Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh is a skilled Calgary dentist passionate about oral health. Graduating from the University of Alberta, he brings advanced dental knowledge to Inglewood Family Dental. Dedicated to patient care, Dr. Arash also volunteers his time on dental missions, improving oral health globally.